reduction of irritations
for a sense of wellbeing and a uniform complexion less reddening reduction of sensitivity
improvement of the skin barrier function
reduces the sensitivity and enhances the resistance of the skin improved barrier function
active cell protection
to prevent cell damage premature skin ageing
Made of linseed extract (anti-inflammatory effect) with double effect:
- fewer irritants are able to penetrate the skin
- suppresses inflammation of the skin (rashes, itching, swelling)
A plant-based active ingredient extracted from white lupins (lupinus albus) which improves the quality of the stratum corneum. Structurine strengthens the skin’s natural re-structuring system, reduces TWL, and regenerates the skin’s barrier function.
Here is a summary of the various effects:
- protects the skin’s immune system
- cell protection (supports the skin’s protective mechanism and repair mechanism. “Stress proteins”)
- offers protection against light-related cell damage & aging
- preserves skin moisture and has a slow-release moisturizing effect

Only raw materials of the highest quality that have been specially selected for and tailored to sensitive skin are used. The secret lies in the combination developed by our R&D specialists. They work these substances into harmonious formulas and recipes and tailor them to the particular needs of sensitive skin. Whatever the product range – all Declaré products restore balance to sensitive skin. The next step in beauty for sensitive skin.
A few distinctive features have made Declaré so particularly tolerable and the specialist product for sensitive skin for over 40 years.
Special fragrances
Fragrance is an essential part of the product experience. Yet fragrances are becoming a problem for an increasing number of customers. For this reason, all fragrances at Declaré are specially designed.
Combination of maximum tolerance with effective results.
Until now, women with sensitive skin often had to do without effective products since intensive effects were usually at the expense of tolerability. Thanks to intensive research and development Declaré guarantees effective, proven results and optimum tolerance.
Dermatologically tested for sensitive skin
… especially for sensitive skin! This rigorous quality control is one of the main success factors of Declaré Switzerland. Tolerance and sustained, physiologically correct treatment of the skin are at the forefront. Three criteria (erythema, fissures, flaking) are tested on skin that has been tape-stripped ten times. Only when all test subjects have experienced no reactions at all after 48 & 72 hours, do the products receive the stringent Declaré seal of quality.

65 % of consumers say they have sensitive skin*
This 65% can be subdivided as follows:
33% are convinced that they have sensitive skin. Increased reaction potential of the skin, but without visible outward signs. “The skin is the mirror of the soul!“
30% report slight or temporary sensitivity and skin reactions.
29% report moderate to severe sensitivity and skin reactions.
6% are intolerant to various substances (e.g. perfume, emulsifiers, preservatives).
2% have serious skin problems such as allergies, dermatosis, etc. (and should consult a dermatologist).
Age and general definition of the target group
Sensitive skin is not a matter of age. Both young and mature skin can be sensitive. From the dermatological perspective, however, more mature skin is weaker, thinner and tends to be more sensitive due to genetically conditioned changes in the skin’s functions. Consider, however, the 33% of consumers who are convinced that they have sensitive skin, without visible outward signs. For many consumers, sensitivity (of the skin) is part of their life philosophy and their lifestyle. It is defined quite generally by these consumers as a sign of overall sensitivity, characterised by their knowledge about the interconnections of environment, lifestyle and inner and outer beauty.
Dermatological definition of the target group
Sensitivity can have various causes and depends on a number of factors such as predisposition, psychological influences, stress, lifestyle, diet, medications, alcohol, nicotine, environmental pollution or an increase in sensitising factors.
The main features of sensitive skin are summarised as follows:
- sensitive skin is thinner than normal skin
- reacts intensively to internal and external influences
- has low resistance against environmental influences
- is prone to redness extending to couperose
- tends to be blotchy, itchy, often feels taut
- is less elastic and supple
- resulting in increased tendency to premature ageing
- sebostatic, dry skin is particularly sensitive
- the pigment content is often low.